Matthew 23

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Your House is Forsaken

Matthew 23

Peter Combes – April 13, 2003

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(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.       Jesus advised his listeners to:
  1. do what the Pharisees taught
  2. do what the Sadducees taught
  3. do what the Scribes taught
  4. do what the priests taught

2.       Jesus forbade his hearers to use the term:

  1. rabbi
  2. master
  3. blessed one
  4. father
3.     Jesus said that Pharisees:  
  1. opened the way to the kingdom of heaven
  2. locked people out of the kingdom of heaven
  3. confused people about the kingdom of heaven 
  4. attacked the kingdom of heaven
4.     Jesus said a person converted by the Pharisees was: 
  1. a child of God
  2. a child of the angels
  3. a child of heaven
  4. a child of Hell
5.     Read Matthew 5:33-37   Jesus:
  1. supports oaths based on fundamental concepts
  2. supports oaths based on scripture
  3. supports oaths based on temple equipment
  4. condemns oath-taking
6.       Read Deuteronomy 14:22  Mosaic law requires a tithe of:
  1. grain
  2. wine
  3. oil
  4. first-born

7.      Jesus compared Pharisees to:

  1. angels
  2. shepherds
  3. wolves
  4. tombs
8.        Jesus appears to object to:
  1. building ornate tombs
  2. decorating the temple
  3. ritual burials
  4. washing cups
9.        Jesus describes the prophets as being:
  1. from Samuel to Malachi
  2. from Moses to Jeremiah
  3. Amos to Micah
  4. Abel to Zechariah
10.       Read Luke 13:31-35  Matthew gives the lament over Jerusalem as being given in the temple.  Luke gives it:
  1. on the cross
  2. during the Palm Sunday procession
  3. in Gethsemane
  4. in villages near Jerusalem