Matthew 22

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Is It Lawful to Pay Foreign Taxes?

Matthew 22

Peter Combes – April 13, 2003

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(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.       In the parable, the wedding feast was held by:
  1. a rabbi
  2. a tax-collector
  3. a king
  4. a fisherman

2.       ( Advanced)  Verse 7 has been quoted to suggest that the gospel was written:

  1. after 50 AD
  2. after 70 AD
  3. after 130 AD
  4. after 200 AD
3.     One wedding guests was punished for:  
  1. kissing the bride
  2. stealing food
  3. getting drunk 
  4. being improperly dressed
4.     Jesus was asked about Roman taxes by: 
  1. Zealots
  2. Herodians
  3. Sadducees
  4. Pharisees
5.     When asked if it was lawful to pay taxes, Jesus counseled:
  1. pay whatever is demanded of you
  2. keep the produce of the Holy Land away from pagans
  3. refuse to subsidize pagan gods
  4. return Roman money to the Romans
6.       The Sadducees denied:
  1. the Trinity
  2. repentance
  3. baptism
  4. resurrection

7.      Jesus implied that some people has already been resurrected:

  1. Abraham
  2. Isaac
  3. Jacob
  4. Elijah
8.        Asked for the greatest commandment, Jesus gave:
  1. one
  2. two
  3. seven
  4. ten
9.        (Advanced) The rabbi who was asked to recite the whole Law while standing on one foot was:
  1. Hillel
  2. Gamaliel
  3. Shammai
  4. Philo
10.       Jesus appears to distinguish between the Messiah and:
  1. the Son of Man
  2. the Son of David
  3. the Son of Joseph
  4. the Son of God