Matthew 16

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

No Sign but Jonah

Matthew 16

Peter Combes – March 2, 2003 (new date)

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(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.       In Magadan, Jesus was met by an unusual combination of:
  1. Greeks and Romans
  2. Pharisees and Sadducees
  3. Zealots and Herodians
  4. Publicans and sinners
2.     Jesus said the only sign that would be given would be :
  1. resurrection
  2. transfiguration
  3. exorcism
  4. transubstantiation
3.     "On this rock will I build my church."  The rock was: 
  1. Jesus
  2. Peter
  3. John the Baptist
  4. the Son of Man
4.     Jesus addressed Peter as:
  1. primus inter pares
  2. comediator
  3. shepherd of Israel
  4. Satan
5.       "Anyone who wishes to be my follower must lift up his -- ":
  1. eyes
  2. cloak
  3. cross
  4. tent-peg
6.       Jesus had been identified with: 
  1. John the Baptist
  2. Jeremiah
  3. the Son of Man
  4. Elisha


7.         Peter would be given:
  1. a sword
  2. the Book of Life
  3. a shepherd's crook
  4. keys
8.        Jesus predicted that he would suffer much from::
  1. the elders
  2. the chief priests
  3. doctors of the law
  4. the Romans
9.        The Son of Man would reward:
  1. faith
  2. courage
  3. works
  4. learning
10.       The Son of Man -- :
  1. had come already
  2. would come in a thousand years
  3. would come in the lifetime of the disciples
  4. might not come