Matthew 11

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Are You the One?

Matthew 11

Peter Combes – January 19, 2003

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(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")


1.       (Advanced)  John was held in the fortress of:
  1. Masada
  2. Machaerus
  3. Herodium
  4. Caesarea
2.      To answer John, Jesus quotes from:
  1. Isaiah
  2. Jeremiah
  3. Malachi
  4. Hosea
3.      Speaking of John, Jesus quotes from:
  1. Isaiah
  2. Jeremiah
  3. Malachi
  4. Hosea
4.      Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven........:
  1. was imminent
  2. had already come
  3. was internal
  4. had suffered violence
5.       Read John 6:15 During his ministry, there was at least one violent attempt to:
  1. make Jesus king
  2. expel the high priests from the temple
  3. rescue John from prison
  4. expel the Romans from the Antonia
6.       Jesus was accused of:
  1. not fasting
  2. drinking
  3. befriending tax-collectors
  4. supporting Roman occupation


7.         Jesus cites two cities as unrepentant:
  1. Sodom and Gomorrah
  2. Tyre and Sidon
  3. Babylon and Rome
  4. Dan and Beersheba
8.         Jesus had a house in Capernaum.  He said Capernaum would be:
  1. exalted to heaven
  2. made the capital of Galilee
  3. the site of the new temple
  4. sent to Hell


9.        Jesus said understanding of his teaching was restricted to :
  1. the wise
  2. the pious
  3. the learned
  4. babies
10.        Jesus compares his disciples to:
  1. lions
  2. eagles
  3. horses
  4. oxen