Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context



Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church

Lay Academy – The Bible in Context

March 14, 2010 9:30 a.m. – CCPC Room 350B

Polycarp to Philippi

"Stand Firm"

Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".

(References are to the New Advent translation)


1. Polycarp believes that the Philippians --:

a. saw Jesus when he visited Philippi

b. saw Jesus in a vision

c. saw Jesus when they visited Jerusalem

d. never saw him


2. Troubles of every kind stem from --:

a. heresy

b. pride

c. lust

d. love of money


3. Deacons must have no --:

a. jealousy

b. self-pride

c. itching palms

d. anger

4. Polycarp’s heart warms to those who --:

a. visit those in prison

b. heal the sick

c. help the poor

d. obey the bishop


5. Ignatius, Rufus,  Zosimus and Paul were all --:

a.  antinomians

b.  martyrs

c.  Roman citizens

d.  lawyers


6.  (Advanced)  “Charity is Death’s Reprieve” is a quotation from --:

a.  Sirach

b.  Tobit

c.  Ecclesiasticus

d.  II Maccabees


7 . Polycarp suspects Valens of--:

a. Immorality

b. Financial irregularity

c. Heresy

d. Cowardice



8. “Do not let the sun go down on your anger” is a quotation from --:

a.  Leviticus

b.  Luke

c.  Ephesians

d.  Revelation


9.  Polycarp implies the existence of --:

a.  a collection of sayings of Jesus

b.  a collection of letters of Paul

c.  a collection of letters of Ignatius

d.  The Didache


10.  The letter was to be delivered by --:

a.  Rufus

b.  Crescens

c.  Alce

d.  Burrhus