Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Lay Academy
November 2, 2008
Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".
I Corinthians 6-10

“Food Offered to Idols”

 Up I Thessalonians 4-5 II Thessalonians I Corinthians 1-5 I Corinthians 6-10 I Corinthians 11-16 II Corinthians 1-5 II Corinthians 6-10 II Corinthians 11-13 Romans 1-2 Romans 3-4 Romans 5-6 Romans 7-8 Roman 9-10 Romans 11-12 Romans 13-14 Romans 15-16 Colossians 1-2 Colossians 3-4 Ephesians 1-3 Ephesians 4-6 Philemon Philippians 1-2 Philippians 3-4 I Timothy II Timothy Titus Galatians 1-3 Galatians 4-6 I Thessalonians 1-3 Hebrews1-4


Answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above".


1. If a Christian has a dispute with another, he should:

a. find a Christian lawyer

b. ask the bishop for judgement

c. appoint a judge from inside the church

d. forgive his opponent


2. A Christian may unite with a prostitute if:

a. she is a Christian

b. he is directed by the Spirit

c. he has no wife

d. never


3. The unmarried should stay unmarried unless: --

a. they are ordered to marry by their parents

b. they are ordered to marry by their bishop

c. they receive a vision

d. they cannot control themselves


4. A widow may marry -- :

a. her ex-husband’s brother

b. any Christian

c. nobody

d. anyone she wishes


5. Christians may eat food offered to idols:

a. unless it makes them ill

b. unless their bishop forbids it

c. unless the Council of Jerusalem forbids it

d. unless it offends a brother

6. Those who preach the gospel should --:

a. charge for their preaching

b. take a tithe from their followers

c. rely on voluntary donations

d. work for a living


7. Paul --:

a. beats his body

b. trains his body

c. ignores his body

d. tattoos his body


8. Hebrews in the wilderness were followed by --:

a. a pillar of fire

b. a whirlwind

c. serpents

d. a rock


9. Pagan sacrifices are offered to -- :

a. archons

b. principalities and powers

c. elemental spirits

d. demons


10. A Christian dining with an unbeliever should --:

a. ask if the food has been offered to idols

b. say grace

c. bring his own food

d. ask no questions