Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

The Unquenchable Fire

Luke 3

Peter Combes – September 20, 1998



(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.      At the start of John's ministry, the high priest was:
  1. Zecharias
  2. Theophilus
  3. Annas
  4. Caiaphas

2.       Luke quotes Isaiah to call John:

  1. the One that Comes From Edom
  2. the Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness
  3. the Stone Which the Builders Rejected
  4. the Servant that was Chosen
3.     John called his listeners:
  1. those who hunger and thirst after righteousness
  2. the children of a sorceress
  3. the sheep without a shepherd
  4. a brood of vipers
4.     John told the soldiers to:
  1. fight valiantly
  2. renounce their weapons
  3. lead their armies to Jerusalem
  4. not take money by threats
5.     John describes the one who is to come as:
  1. judge
  2. shepherd
  3. harvester
  4. consoler
6.     When Jesus began his ministry he was:
  1. 28
  2. 34
  3. 41
  4. 52
7.       Which of these is not included in the genealogy of Jesus given by Luke:
  1. Joshua
  2. Boaz
  3. Melchizedek
  4. Arphaxad
8.     When Jesus was baptised, the Holy Spirit was seen in the form of:
  1. an angel
  2. tongues of fire
  3. a dove
  4. chariots and horsemen

Advanced Questions

A1.     Luke appears to date the appearance of John the Baptist as:
  1. 27/28 CE
  2. 28/29 CE
  3. 33/34 CE
  4. 38/39 CE
A2.     Luke 3 opens in Galilee, which was then:
  1. an independent kingdom
  2. a Roman colony
  3. an independent tetrarchy
  4. part of the Kingdom of Israel
A3.     John was imprisoned in:
  1. Herodium
  2. Machaerus
  3. Masada
  4. Jerusalem