Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Into Jerusalem

Luke 19

Peter Combes – December 20, 1998



(The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above")

1.      Zaccheus climbed a tree because:
  1. Zaccheus was a small man
  2. Jesus was a small man
  3. he wanted to speak to the crowd
  4. he wanted to count the crowd

2.      On the entry to Jerusalem, Jesus' followers expected the Kingdom of God:

  1. to begin at the end of the age
  2. to begin the next day
  3. to begin at any moment
  4. to come after a thousand years
3.    Jesus tells the story of a man who:
  1. went away on business
  2. went away on a vacation
  3. went away to be appointed king
  4. went away on a pilgrimage
4.     Why did the servant with one talent keep it hidden?:
  1. he was afraid it might be stolen
  2. he did not know what it was for
  3. he hated his master
  4. he was jealous of the other servants
5.      The disciples went to fetch a colt.  When they met the owners, they were to :
  1. offer to pay for it
  2. ask to borrow it
  3. say "the Master needs it"
  4. take it by force
6.     Jesus' followers threw:
  1. branches from the trees
  2. their clothes
  3. flowers
  4. palms
7.       When Jesus sighted the city, he:
  1. prayed for it
  2. rejoiced
  3. wept
  4. announced its destruction
8.    When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he:
  1. started an insurrection
  2. started a teaching program in the temple
  3. split the Mount of Olives
  4. was arrested
Advanced bonus 1:    In Matthew, Mark and John, though not in Luke, the crowd cries "Hosanna!"  Hosanna means:
  1. Blessed be he that comes
  2. Glory to God
  3. Repent!
  4. Save us!

Advanced bonus 2:    Jesus' entry on a colt fulfils a prophecy in:

  1. Isaiah
  2. Malachi
  3. Zechariah
  4. Hosea