Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

Feed My Sheep

        John 21

Peter Combes –May 15, 2005

Note that class starts at 8:30 a.m.

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. (see John 1)  Nathaniel was the first to call Jesus:

a.  Son of Man

b   Son of God

c.  King of Israel

d.  Lamb of God

2. There is another story of Peter and a miraculous catch of fish in Luke 5.  In the Likan account, this occurs:

a.  before the disciples are recruited

b   after the Feeding of the Five Thousand

c.  on the way to Jerusalem

d.  after the resurrection


3. The number of fish caught was:

a. 77

b   153

c.  425

d.  777


4. (see Matthew 28) In the Matthean account, whenthe disciples go to Galilee they go to:

a. Cana

b   Nazareth

c.  the Lake

d.  a mountain


5. Jesus predicted that Peter:

a.  would grow old

b   would become helpless

c.  would be crucified

d.  would deny him again


6. Jesus repeated the words he said to Peter in:

a.  Matthew 4:19

b   John 12:26

c.  Mark 5:37

d.  Luke 9:61



7. The rumor developed that the disciple whom Jesus loved:

a.  would witness Jesus' return

b   would not die

c.   would be head of the church

d.   would be crucified upside-down


8. (see Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4) According to Luke, Jesus commanded the disciples to:

        a.   go to Galilee

        b.   stay in the city

        c.   keep out of Jerusalem

        d.   go to all parts of the world



9. John writes that "these things" were written down by:

        a.   Peter

        b.  Luke

        c.   John the Son of Zebedee

        d.   the disciple whom Jesus loved



10. John wrote that many incidents of Jesus' life:

a.  had theological meaning

b   had been written down elsewhere

c.  were based on hearsay

d.  had been omitted




