Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


Unbind Him and Let Him Go

        John 11:28-57

Peter Combes – February 13, 2005

8:30 A.M.

Gospel of Philip

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. Mary:

a.  went with Martha to see Jesus

b   waited in the house until she was called

c.  refused to see Jesus

d.  blamed Jesus for the death of Lazarus

2. When Jesus saw Mary weeping he:

a.  consoled her

b   immediately performed a miracle

c.  was troubled

d.  left town


3. Jesus said he prayed:

a.  so that others would hear him

b   to put pressure on God

c.  in order to perform a miracle

d.  to strengthen his spirit


4. Jesus:

a.  called to Lazarus from outside the tomb

b   laid his hands on Lazarus

c.  prayed over his body

d.  had Lazarus carried out of the tomb



5. The raising of Lazarus provoked:

a.  an investigation by the Romans

b  a crowd to march on Jerusalem

c.  the crowning of Jesus

d.  a meeting of the Sanhedrin





6. The fear was expressed that:

a.  Jesus would overthrow the temple

b   the Romans would destroy the temple

c.  a new temple would be built in Bethany

d.  there would be a popular uprising


7. The high priest that year was

a.  Caiaphas

b   Anna

c. Gamaliel

d.  Nicodemus


8.  John implies that one prophecy was valid because:

        a.   it was contained in scripture

        b.   it was given by the high priest

        c.   it was given by a disciple

        d.   it was inscribed in the temple



9.  The Sanhedrin decided:

        a.   to call Jesus before an investigating committee

        b.   send out a team to interview Jesus

        c.   send out a team to interview Lazarus

        d.   put Jesus to death



10.  Jesus withdrew to:

        a.   Bethlehem

        b.  Capernaum

        c.   Sidon

        d.   Ephraim



