Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy


The Return of Elijah

        John 1:19-51

Peter Combes – October 3, 2004

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1. John is introduced as:

a.  the Baptist

b   the disciple whom Jesus loved

c.  the cousin of Jesus

d.  the forerunner of Jesus

2.  Asked if he were the Messiah, John replied:

a.  Yes

b   No

c.  the words are yours

d.  if you will accept it

3.  John describes Jesus as:

a. the Word of God

b  the Lamb of God

c. the Messiah

d. the voice crying in the wilderness

4. in his account of the baptism, John omits to mention:

a.  the Temptation

b   the baptism itself

c.  the water turning to blood

d.  the voice from heaven

5. Jesus was living at:

a.  Nazareth

b   Capernaum

c.  Bethsaida

d.  Cana

6.  Andrew and Peter were sons of:

a.  Nicodemus

b  John

c. David

d. Bartholomew

7.  Philip, Andrew, and Peter came from:

a.  Bethlehem

b   Bethesda

c.  Bethsaida

d.  Beth-Horon

8. Philip calls Jesus:

a.  Son of God

b   Son of Man

c.  Son of Mary

d.  Son of Joseph

9. Nathanial calls Jesus King of Israel after Jesus says he:

a.  sat on the throne of the Messiah

b   was of higher rank than Herod Antipas

c.  had been foretold by the prophets

d.  saw Nathanial under a fig tree

10. John told Nathanial that he would see:

a.  The end of the world

b   The destruction of the temple

c.  The heavens opened

d.  The kingdom of God

