Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy

This is Love

        2 John

Peter Combes – July 3, 2005

Note that class starts at 8:30 a.m.

The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above"


1.  The letter is addressed to

a.  the church at Ephesus

b    all Jewish Christians

c.  non-Jewish Christians

d.  a lady

2. The letter is signed by

a.  John

b   Peter

c.  James

d.  Apollos


3. The writer wishes

a.  faith hope, and charity

b   health and happiness

c.  grace, mercy and peace

d.  long life and prosperity


4. The writer begs the lady to

a.  hold fast to the truth

b   spread the word

c.  love one another

d.  contribute to the church


5. The "commandment you have heard from the beginning" is

a.  believe in God

b   keep the dietary laws

c.  follow love

d.  live in the Spirit


6. The Antichrist does not believe

a.  in only one God

b   the son to be one substance with the Father

c.  that Mary is coredemptrix

d.  that Jesus has come in the flesh



7. If any one comes to the house who does not share the doctrine of Christ

a.  keep him out of the house

b   try to persuade him

c.   give him this letter

d.   talk about other matters


8. The writer hopes to:

        a.   meet the lady in heaven

        b.   greet the lady in Jerusalem

        c.   go to see her

        d.   write more often



9. The writer sends greetings from:

        a.   the apostles

        b.   the lady's nieces and nephews

        c.   the lady's sister

        d.   the lady's mother


