Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy Your Nest is Set Among the Stars Obadiah Peter Combes – July 7, 2002 (The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above") 1. The Book of Obadiah is very similar to: Isaiah 63 Jeremiah 49 Ezekiel 25 Amos 1 2.       Edom is accused of: entering Jerusalem with its enemies looting Jerusalem betraying refugees idolatry REVIEW 3. Isaiah prophesied that: all nations would come to the temple only Israel and Judah would come to the temple only Israel would come to the temple there would never be another temple 4.       The "merchant of the nations" was: Rome Athens Tyre Sidon 5.        According to Isaiah 63, the Redeeemer would come from:  Nazareth Bethlehem Bozrah Edom 6.     Jeremiah said God would bring prosperity to Jerusalem if the people would: make sacrifices sing psalms love their neighbors keep the sabbath 7.        Jeremiah told Baruch to finish his book and:  publish it in Babylon present it to the king hide it in the temple throw it in the river 8.        According to Ezekiel, in Sheol, Pharaoh would be: tried by Isis and Set  made king of the underworld made a slave reassured by the sight of the other people there 9.        At Belshazzar's feast, the writing on the wall was: "Prince, king, emperor"  "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting" "A mina, a shekel, two half-minas" "Number, weigh, and divide" 10.      Amos suggested that, in the wilderness, the Israelites worshipped: Yahweh The Queen of Heaven Karwan a golden calf