Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Lay Academy The Mountain Will Melt Under Him Micah Peter Combes – September 15, 2002 (The answers to the following may be multiple, or "none of the above") 1. Micah came from: Bethlehem Tarshish Moresheth Bozrah 2.       "Woe unto those who work evil over their ----": altars fields houses beds 3. Micah says that a popular sermon would be about:  harvest festivals tithing drink sheep 4.         Micah criticizes prophets who cry:  "Woe!" "Peace" "Love" "Vengeance" 5.         Micah prophesies that nations will: beat plowshares into swords beat swords into plowshares beat spears into pruning-hooks beat pruning-hooks into spears 6.        The image of question 5 may be related to: The Food The Exodus The time of the Philistines The Siege of Jerusalem 7.        The book of Micah includes a famous prophecy about: Nazareth Bethlehem Shiloh Bozrah 8.          God requires: the first-born oil rams humble walking 9.         Micah refers to the statutes of Moses David Solomon Omri 10. Micah refers to: baptism resurrection vicarious atonement divine forgiveness